
My Feelings With God
Waves crash and spray my face
Darkness encloses around me
Cold winds whip about my hair
Bushes rustle low sounds are heard
Scared I should be
But in the arms of my Father
I feel safe
His arms are my refuge,
His love is my comfort,
His smile is warming
With Him, I have no fear.

Who would abandon their home?
Who great would become the least?
Who would give up their throne?
Who would pour out their heart?
Who would piece the world back together?
Who would give up their son?
That Who is Jesus
He is the one, who did those things,
He did them for me,
He did that for us,
 He did that for the world!
Who is He?
He is the Lord, Jesus, Our Heavenly Father,
 the Creator, the Messiah, Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace!

Within a Sorrow 
In the still meadow a dear lies wounded
Beside it a child weeps
The child weeps for the animal’s suffering
Nothing can be done
They both feel pain
One of sorrow
One of death
Within that sorrow a prayer was said,
Because of that prayer, there was a miracle
 From that miracle came life
From God came that miracle
From God came life
From the Child came the prayer
Within the sorrow, there was a miracle
Within that miracle, there was God!

Finish the Race 
When feeling like you’re almost ready to drop... don’t
Finish the race
As tried, as you may seem... don’t stop
Finish the race
Our lives has series of races
Finish them all
Try your best
To finish them all
Have perseverance
Finish the races
We all have many races
Try to finish them all!
Celebration of Life 
In the cool spring breeze
Birds take flight
Deer prance and rabbits hop
Soaring across the blue sky high and low,
Bouncing across the green hills with fun,
In a cabin a baby is born
All celebrating the birth;
A new life
In the sky they celebrate
In the cool breeze the celebrate
On the hills they celebrate
In a cabin the celebrate
They celebrate...
A new life!


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